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Cambridge: 519-
Toll Free: 1-
655 Industrial Road
Cambridge, ON, N3H 5C9
Digital Display Return on Investment Work Sheet
To help you understand the potential of a new display, fill out the following work sheet.
Let’s assume that your new digital display increases your business by just 15%.
(Installing a manual or electronic changeable board increases revenue a minimum of 15 percent up to 150 percent.)1
1. What does a typical business day yield? ______________ dollars
2. Multiply question1 total by 15%: ______________ dollar increase per day
(Example: $1,000 per day x .15 = $150 increase)
3. Multiply question 2 total by 5: ______________ dollar increase per week
(Assuming 5 business days per week)
4. Multiply question 3 total by 52: ______________ total annual increase
1 International Sign Association, Signline #40, 2003
Fill out this work sheet for insight into the number of new customers a display can bring you.
1. According to city traffic counts, how many cars pass your facility every day? ____________ cars
2. Multiply question 1 by an average of 1.5 people per car: ____________ cars/people
3. What estimated percentage of your front door audience
currently does business with you? ____________ percentage
4. Multiply question 3 by the total in question 2: ____________ Estimated total of front door
(Example: If #2 total is 75,000 with 5% doing business with you, 75,000 x .05 = 3,750). audience now doing business
with you
5. Subtract the total in question 4 from the total in question 2:
(Example: 75,000 – 3,750 = 71, 250). ________________ Potential new customers for you
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LED Sign worksheet